Christmas 2004

Wow. Am I late this year or what.

I mean usually I at least get this written by Christmas Eve, but this year it has been such a blur that I didn't even make that late deadline. I'll explain my tardiness later.

Once again it has been a great year. Anna (17), Eva (14) and Maria (13) are all doing great in school. Anna graduates this year (gulp) and is deep into the college application process.

Eva had a bit part in a recent school play and helps along with Anna on the Stage Crew. Maria also participates in drama at the Middle School.

Monika is working almost every day as a Polish Translator for the courts in New Jersey. She hopes to take the test that qualifies her to be a master interpreter. It means more pay and higher profile court cases.

I am still with the medical marketing firm in Morristown. The company is growing like mad and it is all I can do to keep up. I never seem to have the time to do things like play with the computer for fun.

We do get out and do things as a family though. That is one thing we always make time for. We saw an exhibit at the Museum of Natural History in New York two weeks ago, so we stopped by the tree at Rockefeller Center. We are happy to report that the colors red, green, gold and silver have won out over red, white and blue.

We do lots of hiking and outdoor things whenever possible. We bought ski equipment and whenever there is snow and time available we try to get in some skiing. There has been no snow yet this year, but perhaps that will change.

Now the reason for this being so late...

We did another of our massive western road trips this summer. 15 States and 19 National Parks in 22 Days. That must be some kind of record. I have been spending the last two months to collect all of the pictures (both film and digital). Then I have resized them, optimized them for the web, categorized them, entered them to a database, and then wrote program code to display them. It has been a huge project and it still isn't done.

So here I am, a day after Christmas still trying to get it all put together for your enjoyment. I am sorry this is a bit late, but have a look at our on-line scrap book. I am still arranging the files a bit and adding captions, but I think you'll enjoy it all the same.

We hope that this Holiday Season finds you and your family well, and that the coming year brings you good health and even more happiness.  We pray that the good people of planet Earth may somehow resolve their differences and end the violence that threatens us all.

All we are saying
Is give peace a chance.
-- John Lennon


Anna’s Travelogue - Vacation 2005 - Part 1 of 2


Christmas 2003