Chrismas 1996

Dear Friends:

First day of School - September 1996

Another year has come and gone.

Wherever does the time go?

Anna (9 Yrs.) is in the 4th grade, Eva (6 Yrs.) is in 1st grade and Maria started Kindergarten this year.

It hardly seems possible that she is off to school. We keep thinking of her as the “baby” until we meet friends that have a newborn.

Monika is busy with the Girl Scouts. Between running part of Eva’s troop and helping with Maria’s, she is constantly running back and forth to school or other projects.

She is spending nights increasing her vocabulary in the hope that she can become a certified Polish translator. Hopefully she can take the test and start work in the coming year.

I ran away from my former employer to run a small startup company. Filecabinet Internet Services seeks to help New Jersey companies find out about the World Wide Web of the Internet, and then create marketing and advertising tools using this medium. We started in April, and it is a lot of work without much fruit yet.

Feel free to stop by at

The girls have their share of activities. Anna has been bitten by the book worm. She has been reading “chapter books” by the arm load. Eva and Maria copy along. Anna also picked up the trumpet this year. All the girls are true “fish” during the summer, spending almost every day at the town pool. Monika was first in line and got swimming badge serial #1.

We didn’t really have a vacation this year. Just took lots of day trips to interesting places. We went to the Adirondack balloon festival in Glens Falls, NY; The Suffolk Air Show; Waterloo Village; Philadelphia, PA; Hiking all over northern New Jersey and trips to the usual attractions in New York. It is great to re-visit places as the girls grow.

They look at them as new again.

Feel free to call or write (with e-mail you have no excuse not to). We always like company, and Anna would love to take you for a spin on her new bike (Just think, last year she had training wheels!)


Christmas 1997