Christmas 1999

It was a busy year here in our house. It seems that the girls will all be grown and gone in a matter of weeks. It was only a few years ago when we compared them to the size of dolls.

Anna, 12, is in her second year at Middle School (7th grade.) Eva is 9 and Maria is 8. Each grows more independent every day. Monika has passed her tests to make her an official translator in Polish for the courts in New Jersey. She hopes to get more work over the next year. Monika also continues to teach for Computer Tots, traveling from day care center to day care center showing little kids how to play computer games.

I changed jobs this year, leaving Filecabinet Internet when the company decided to become All of their clients now make up my side business, I spent the year working for Grey Direct eMarketing, a division of Grey Advertising. This put me back into the city after a prolonged absence. As the year ends, I am switching jobs again, going to with a group of friends that escaped from Grey.

Maria and Eva are busy with the Girl Scouts. Monika is their Troop leader and there are lots of activities during the year including the Memorial Day Parade.

We did lots of day trips as usual, this time visiting the Balloon Festival and hiking to new places like Tripod Rock.

For our vacation this year we rented an RV again, and hit the road north to NY, VT, NH, MA, RI and CT. We climbed Mt. Washington in New Hampshire and spent a bit of time hiking and exploring the Franconia Notch section of the state. Along the way we visited the "normal" tourist places like the Vermont Teddy Bear factory (complete with a bear shaped maze in the cornfield) as well as Ben and Jerry's ice cream factory. It was a great trip.

I hope that 2000 finds you and your family in good health and with hope for prosperity. Keep away from those computer bugs, and be sure to do your best to learn something new every day. In our culture of perpetual change and increasing technology dependence, everyone must do their best to be smarter than the machine bent on replacing them. So much for philosophy.

Here's to you and your family! We hope that the coming year brings you even better health and prosperity in the coming year.


Christmas 2000


Christmas 1998