Christmas 2000

Back in 1988 when Anna was a baby, we visited Washington, DC. We went to the Smithsonian Institution where we came across the huge 1401 Pacific type locomotive in the Museum of American History. It is quite a contrast of a tiny baby with a huge locomotive.

Every few years we go back to this same spot and take a family picture.

Here we are again in 1994. There are two additions to the family.

This Christmas we reflect on the years gone by.  We think about the little things that the kids used to do.  They don't remember, but we recall as if it was yesterday.  Then we look at these pictures and check the dates on the back.

Was it really so many years ago?

It seems like yesterday.

And now it's the end of the millennium!

We went again this year. Everyone is so big. Anna can swap clothes with Monika. Eva and Maria are not far behind.

Well, best not get maudlin about it.

Time marches on.

Here's this year's Christmas Letter in PDF


Christmas 2001


Christmas 1999