Christmas 2001

The crowd at the tree seemed a little smaller this year. People seemed a bit more cautious than normal. I guess it is normal for the times. Previously the flags around the plaza were of all different nations. During the holidays they were replaced with gold and green banners. This year it is the red, white and blue. Personally, I would prefer just a white flag of truce.

Anna is in 9th Grade. High School. It is hard to believe as Monika and I seem to have just left High School ourselves – well, maybe in our minds at least. Eva started middle school (6th grade) and Maria is “ruling the school” as a 5th grader.

We added a new member to the family. Monika found a Cockatiel in April and he has been living with us ever since. His name is “Ringo” and he has become thoroughly pampered.

The summer was great. We drove all across the country in an RV. We saw so much that it is hard to believe we did it all in just two weeks. I started editing the videos we took, and I need to spend some more time working on it.

Looks like I may have the chance, as yet another I was working at dried up. I am working on a few side projects and “cleaning up” the things that have always been low on the priority list. In the wake of 9-11 it actually seems more important. Being home also frees up Monika to do more Polish translating for the courts around the State. She is starting to become well known in the Polish translating community here in NJ.

I hope that your family is doing fine in this new millennium. It seems that people may begin to value something more than the almighty dollar and the pursuit of material wealth. I know I am enjoying being home and spending more time with the kids. I hope that you can enjoy something equally as wonderful in the coming year.


Christmas 2002


Christmas 2000