Christmas 2002

Here in Fair Lawn, winter came early a few weeks ago. We had a few inches of snow, but now we are back to green grass and warmer weather. We’re hoping for a little snow for Christmas, but the chances are slim.

We hope that the Holiday Season finds you well. We have been staying busy in work and school. Monika spends more and more time running between courtrooms as a Polish Interpreter. I am working for a medical communications company in Morristown, being my usual “jack of all trades” computer guy. Anna is in 10th Grade. She is staying busy with the theater group, being a good stagehand. Eva is in 7th grade and Maria is in 6th. We finally transitioned out of elementary school this year. Eva continues to play violin and Maria plays the Saxophone.

Anna did some “volunteer” work at the local pet store where she found “Ivory” our newest bird. Ringo appreciates the company. Ivory likes to have her head scratched and is more social than Ringo.

This summer we had a big adventure. We rented an RV (again) and headed west (again). I wrangled three weeks of vacation and we had a real blast visiting sites all through the South West.

The kids are starting to get teased in class. Whenever they start talking about a new place, they can almost say, “I’ve been there.” The funny one occurred this fall when Anna had to do a Geometry problem from her textbook. The problem was based on a section of the Colorado River below the Glen Canyon Dam. Measurements for the problem were taken just feet from a place we were this summer.

We hope that you and yours are having a wonderful Holiday Season and hope that you have an even better 2003. Please be sure to stay in touch. We like hearing from all of our friends.

Have a happy Holiday!


Christmas 2003


Christmas 2001