Christmas 2012

I usually get this out closer to Christmas, but this year enjoying the moment has been more important than documenting it.

All of our girls were with us at home for Christmas this year, and brought their boyfriends too! Such an occasion required a picture, so we had one taken.

Back to front, left to right: Ken Bodzak and Eva, Anna and Michael Clemence, Maria and Blue Caban, and Monika and Bill

Monika and I noticed that the weather was a bit warmer than usual in the spring, which meant that the cherries would bloom a bit earlier than expected in Washington, DC. We booked a ride on the Acela Rail and caught the cherry blossoms at their peak! We spent a weekend enjoying the sights and also quite unexpected yet very nice company of a long lost college friend.

In May Eva graduated from TCNJ and started working. She landed a job with Spitball Advertising in Red Bank. She’s rented a nice small apartment there and moved this fall. She's working on all kinds of great creative projects with talented people. She loves it.

Maria is a Senior at Purchase College, finishing up her degree in Graphic Design. She worked this summer for Toys R Us and now she is busy maintaining the Student Government web site.

Monika is working as a Polish interpreter for the courts, and I started working for myself this May when my position was "phased out". I made an effort to lose a few pounds this year. I feel much better not having to carry the extra weight.

This summer the whole family along with Anna’s boyfriend, Mike took a trip to the Pacific Northwest. We flew to Seattle and spent two weeks camping and hiking the trails in the Olympic and Cascade ranges. We had fantastic weather and saw many wonderful sights in Washington State and in Canada.

We hope you had a good year, as well, and we hope that your Holidays were happy. May you have a joyous and prosperous New Year!


Goodbye Cousin Marilyn


Christmas 2011