Christmas 2013

It's good to have everyone home for a few days. We are all scattered about normally, so it is rare and wonderful to have us all together.

This year has been a busy one. Anna is still living in London, finishing one museum job with Hunterian Museum, Royal College of Surgeons and looking for another.

Eva is a designer working for Spitball Advertising in Red Bank and does little projects on the side.

Maria graduated from SUNY Purchase this past May. She is a designer working for The Public Society, a design firm in Brooklyn.

Monika is still a Polish Language Court Interpreter for the Superior Court. She is based in Patterson, but her duties take her all over the state of New Jersey. On the side she translates documents.

It was a great year for travel. In April Monika and I traveled to Albuquerque, NM for a week. We were kind of counting on seeing the desert bloom, but we were a bit early and the weather was dry. We didn't see many flowers, but we had a great week, seeing all kinds of Native American sites.

We did another epic two week road trip vacation this year. Anna, Eva, and Anna's boyfriend Mike along with Monika and I went together. Maria had just started a new job, so a two week vacation wasn't possible for her. We landed in San Francisco and drove the coast to the north. We then circled east through Yosemite and back to San Francisco for the flight home. We saw many beautiful and amazing places. The weather was great and the fire at Yosemite only clouded our trip a tiny bit.

Monika wets her feet in the Pacific

This fall we went to see Monika's mom in Krakow, Poland for a week. Monika hadn't seen her in awhile and it has been six years since I was there. Anna and Mike joined us. The city has changed quite remarkably since the time I first visited there 30 years ago. It is a beautiful travel destination.

As for me, I have been working for myself on a myriad of IT projects. I learned how to build websites with this amazing tool called WordPress. It isn't a new thing, but it has grown into a very robust and powerful tool that I needed to learn. I rebuilt my company website and would be happy to help you learn from my experiences. This family site is a new one, and I am slowly bringing over the old content from our previous family site.

Many of the old Christmas letters are up, and I'll be working on getting the rest in the next day or two if you want to see the progression over the years. Cousin Marilyn passed away this year. Because of her, I started writing these and I still do. Even though Anna says they are... well.. never mind


Christmas 2014


Goodbye Cousin Marilyn