Christmas 2008

I guess we really can't call this a Christmas letter this year, but we really don't want to end the tradition of the annual web page, celebrating it's 13th year. It's hard to believe that the Internet has been around that long for us.

We went into NYC this past weekend to see the Van Gogh exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art. Before we left I was looking around at all the photos from this year and I was lacking any creative ideas. After coming back we have new pictures so it is a bit easier for me to put this together.

Anna is her last year of undergraduate studies at American University majoring in Anthropology. Well, not really -- as she has decided that studying at the University College of London is way more rewarding. What started out as a semester has turned into two years, and a possible third year of graduate school.

Eva graduated high school and started undergraduate studies at The College of New Jersey. She is being an artistic type, majoring in Graphic Design. She also has a keen fondness of four stringed musical instruments. First the violin, then the ukulele and now for Christmas she got a mandolin. Somehow the first mandolin song to learn is "Losing My Religion" by REM. (This seems a bit strange at Christmastime, but perhaps we should savor the irony.)

If we are staying musical, Maria's theme song should be "Going Mobile" by The Who. She's a Senior in High School and she has the car all to herself, so she's always on the move with the Masques Theatre Group (she's the Secretary). She also works at Subway and is busy filling out all the applications for college.

Monika and I are at home some nights alone during the year. Now is the best part of the year because all the kids are home and all their friends are over too. It really makes up for those "empty nest" evenings.

Monika is busy as usual with her translating, and I am back working in NYC at a direct mail letter shop which is owned by my former college roommate, Gary Weinberg. It's great to work with someone from my college days as I watch our kids form the same kinds of friendships that I made 25 years ago. This coming year is the 25th anniversary of my college graduation. <gulp> How can that be?

2009 will be very interesting. Anna and Maria graduate, and all of us (Ringo -- our bird-- included) will probably see some big changes with a new U.S. President and the fallout from all the financial shenanigans. Personally, I am excited by the prospect of change and all the good things that I hope it will bring. We hope that we'll be able to travel a bit this year. If we do, you'll be sure to hear about it. For the now you can find us at home, sitting by the fire or watching popular British comedy programmes on the tele.

We hope that your coming year will be filled with joy and happiness. We hope you too are enjoying your holidays with your friends and family.

Please be sure to drop us a message and if you are around Fair Lawn call and stop by. Monika brought back a few bottles of miód from Poland and we'd love to share some with you!


Christmas 2009


Christmas 2007