Christmas 2009

In March we went a bit further out of the way to see European style cities. We took a week or so to visit Anna in London. It's cold and a bit rainy all the time, but it is a beautiful city with all kinds of great things to see and do. Like any big city, there is so much that you can't possibly see it all, always leaving a reason to go back.

We put most of our exploits up on Facebook, so stop by and have a look at the pictures if you are interested. Here's Album 1 and Album 2.

Monika is always hard at work to make our house better. She is always making the house nicer and I try to help by "screwing things up". This defines my ability to put the bigger things on the wall or close to their intended installation point. She then follows behind me to do the finishing work that makes the improvements look good. This work will never end.

For me It's hard to believe that the first decade of the millennium is almost over. It seems like yesterday that the world was anxiously awaiting the dreaded Y2K bug. Hardly anyone remembers this now that we have so many new challenges to face. Our kids are just beginning to have vivid memories of things that happened 10 years ago. This year was the 25th anniversary of my graduation from college. It doesn't seem long ago but in reality it is a lifetime.

Last night we all sat down for dinner and had a great time opening British Christmas Crackers (which is where the paper crowns come from). Then we sat around the fire and opened presents. We are incredibly lucky to have a warm place to live, good food to eat and the love of each other this holiday.

We hope that you and your family will have a wonderful holiday season too.


Christmas 2010


Christmas 2008