Christmas 2017

Actually, I should call this "New Year's 2018" as life got in the way of making a web page at Christmas. All the girls were back and we had a great time. It went too fast.

Christmas 2017

Mike and Anna came from London. Anna's still at the Science Museum making exhibits. Eva is at First Agency, designing events and Maria just got a job at Intersecton as a designer. Mike and Anna went to New Zealand this year. Eva and V went to Ireland and England for a bit. Maria spent a few weeks growing coffee in Hawaii! (I'm so jealous).

Family Kaleidoscope - We stopped at The World's Largest Kaleidoscope and Anna took this.

Monika and I went on a grand tour of England, Poland and Portugal this year. It was a blast seeing seeing Mike's parents, Lynne and Gerald Clemence who were so kind to put us up in both England and in Portugal. All of the adventures are in pictures here. We reciprocated by playing hosts to Lynne and Gerald here in the US. We had a few other guests this year too.

Vacation 2017

I'm doing the same thing for a living (fixing technology), and so is Monika (translating and interpreting Polish) and everyone is healthy.

Mom passed away this year. Sue and I were there. She was sleeping and there was no pain. She suffered and recovered for a few years and finally gave up. We miss her. On the bright side, we had planned to be in Rush in July so we had a serious session and a fun time with friends and family in town. Lots of memories, and the first time ever all our first cousins were in the same place. We would see each other every Christmas and Easter, but never at the same time before.

First Cousins - a Full Set

Hard to believe, but I can actually link a 20 year old Christmas letter from the Internet. We've been doing this annual thing that long. The whole collection is linked if you missed any years.

Here's to the hope that you and your family are doing as well this Christmas as we are. As crazy and tough as things seem sometimes, the truth is we are truly fortunate to have a lovely family and a comfortable life.

Make sure you put it down and talk to people. It just might save us all.


Christmas 2018


Christmas 2016